Native Village in India: A classic example of sustainable tourism model

Native Village

Tourism in Karnataka is getting a new dimension. After having been classified as an Industry , the Karnataka government is giving a thrust to the eco-tourism potential in the state . A new set of entrepreneurs have taken to the rural areas hospitality sector with a zeal , not just to make money but demonstrate that the life outside of metropolis is as challenging as one wants to make it.

Not far from Bengaluru, nestled in midst of thousands of acres of the Hesaraghatta forest , Native Village resort is a classic example of sustainable tourism model which focuses on ensuring that the tourists get a back to nature experience .

The over 12 acre village resort offers a complete experience to the visitors to feel the village life. The ride on a bullock cart , milking a cow or getting a chance to mud up your hands on the potters’ wheel are just some of the experiences that one can take back home. More importantly is the opportunity to live in a self-sustaining eco system which offers a bigger insight to the possibilities that exist in making our contribution to mother nature.

This is an excerpt from an article originally published on Sunday Guardian Live.

Travindy is an independent website featuring news and opinion on all issues to do with tourism and sustainability. Written primarily for an industry audience, our aim is to support the transformation of the sector into one that is regenerative, restorative and fully inclusive.

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